The Pavement Engineering Society (Singapore) (PES) and the Center for Transportation Research (CTR) of the National University of Singapore are the joint organisers of this annual event, with LTA Academy as a supporting organisation.
PES, CTR and LTA Academy are non-profit organisations that have been actively promoting the advancement of pavement technology in road, airfield and other industrial applications.
To promote interactions among fellow professionals in the pavement industry, there exists a need for an annual local forum on pavement technology in Singapore. Such a forum will disseminate useful information and increase the awareness of local professionals of new materials and technology already in use in other parts of the world.
It will also provide an effective mechanism for exchange of ideas and a convenient platform for dialogue among pavement professionals from both private and public sectors.
PES, CTR and LTA Academy are pleased to jointly present this important SPT series, and we seek the support of all professionals from the road, airfield, port and building industries who are involved in pavement-related activities.