Pavement Engineering Society (Singapore)

13th International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology (ICPT) 2023

The 13th ICPT 2023 was held from 6 to 8 July 2023 in Beijing, China. The conference is a longstanding event that brings together road and airport pavement researchers, engineers, and governmental officials to promote pavement technological advancement worldwide. The event was organised by the Beijing University of Technology, International Committee of Pavement Technology and Pavement Engineering Society (Singapore).


ICPT 2023 Pre-Conference Technical Day Tour

It is very exciting for us that the ICPT (International Conference on Road and Airfield Pavement Technology) will not only return to Beijing after 25 years since 1998, but will also reconvene face-to-face as the first major event and platform in Asia for road and airfield pavement researchers, engineers and government officials from around the world after 3 years of pandemic. To enrich this trip in Beijing, PES organized an additional pre-conference technical day tour to visit the Xiong An New Area.


About Us

The Pavement Engineering Society (PES) is an association of engineers and scientists whose collective works aim to provide economical solutions to the road infrastructure needs of Singapore.

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